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Bruce Gilmore - Dynamic Time and Price Analysis of Market Trends

Why is this such an important announcement? Well, let me tell you, I have spent the past 2 years reviewing my past writings, manuals and seminar material. During this time I have been compiling a completely new publication for my seminars. It is so good, I have decided to release it as a stand alone product to replace my Geometry of Markets books. It's a trading manual for Gann and Elliott oriented people, people who need to know the truth about what works and what doesn't. Why do all markets work out future moves in relationship to past cycles of Time & Price? Not just static cycles however the DYNAMIC CYCLES created by the market itself.

This new work is an up to date rendition of all the principles I hold true, it as important a work as I could ever present. I have taken one market complex (The Australian Share market and its futures equivalent the Sydney Share Price Index) and applied all of my knowledge to a constructive, chronological expose of the flow of cycles and price relationships as they have occurred over more than 10 years. I have not ducked and weaved to find examples using a wide variety of complexes. I have proven to myself (again) that the principles I embrace are alive and well and can be used in any free trading market, you too can if you are prepared to do a little research work.

The contents of Dynamic Time & Price Analysis of Market Trends are:

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