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Ken Roberts – The Worlds Most Powerful Money Manual & Course


By 1983, at age 31, I had finally learned how to make dreams come true. Most importantly, I learned an eye-opening lesson: Goals and plans are actually self-sabotage!

“Coincidentally,” I met a California Deputy Sheriff who taught me to trade commodities (of which I knew virtually nothing). And then I was led to teach others how too, and my “World’s Most Powerful Money Manual & Course” became legendary.

Worth and Millionaire Magazine

In 1997, WORTH magazine declared that “… Ken Roberts has introduced more people to [commodities] than anyone in the universe.”  And in the process of teaching over 1 million people in more than 89 countries, with over 500 employees, my companies rose to the top of their fields in the world — and I paid over $55 million in PERSONAL income taxes alone! (All this would have never been on any “goal” list of mine!)

Personal Taxes

In all humility, I’ve already made enough money to last several lifetimes, and have experienced and accomplished more than anyone could ever seriously even hope for. All because I finally learned that the key to it all is to do what you love — nothing more and nothing less. But it doesn’t come naturally — that’s why success is so elusive.

And then I retired in 2006... and I’m wearing a new hat now:


As far back as I can remember, I’ve wanted to write this powerful Handbook. And here it is!


Why hasn’t anything you tried up to now worked? What will make YOUR Dreams come true too?


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