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Showing 1-18 of 18 items.

Alex Benjamin – CBOT Seminar on Market Profile (101 & 102)

Alex Benjamin – CBOT Seminar on Market Profile (101 & 102) Market Profile is a graphic representation that shows price and time information as a distribution. Key benefits include: Determine amount of time, number of...

CBOT – Sixpart Study Guide to Market Profile

The material in this six-part Study Guide evolved from a seminar program developed for Chicago Board of Trade members. The emphasis is on understanding the Market Profile ®concept–and not on trading strategies–because we found that when...

DTI & Tom Busby – DAX Supplement Trading Course

DTI - Tom Busby - DAX Supplement Trading CourseTom Busby and DTI utilize over 25 years of trading wisdom in teaching traders to win consistently in the markets.Founded in 1996 by veteran trader Tom Busby, a...

No BS Day Trading – Stock Market Course

No BS Day Trading – Stock Market Course I’ve received some interest from traders who would like me to run another live class. If you are interested, please send me an email. It would likely run...

Howard Abell – Spread Trading

Howard Abell - Spread Trading Spread Trading. It's exciting. Stimulating. Highly profitable. Yet - it remains a mystery to most traders. Despite the benefits offered by this dynamic hedge tool, many traders don't understand how to...

Wave59 – Wave59 PRO2 (2.33) With Cycles And Advanced Five Point Pattern

Wave59 PRO2 (2.33) with Cycles and Advanced Five Point Pattern Successful trading in today’s fast-moving and complex markets requires advanced analysis and tools. The simple formulas and common techniques found in other programs are not enough...

Charles Cottle – Position Dissection

Charles Cottle - Position DissectionBiographyLEARN OPTIONS TRADING FROM THE PROFESSIONAL THE PROFESSIONALS LEARN FROM!Options Trader, Author, Options Trading Lecturer, Options Trading Teacher, Floor Trader, Financial Software Developer, Consultant, and one of the co-founders of one of...

David Marsh – Tick Trader Day Trading 2.0 (March 2009)

David Marsh - Tick Trader Day Trading 2.0 (March 2009)About David MarshI have been involved in the markets since the early 1990's. I started with futures trading, then moved on to options trading, graduated to stock...

Earik Beann – Mechanical Trading Systems (Wave59)

Harness the Power of Mechanical Trading Systems ...and supercharge your trading by automating it! Mechanical trading systems are one of the greatest developments in the history of trading. Turn them on, connect them to your broker, and they...

Charles Cottle – Vertical Spreads. Strategy Intensive

Charles Cottle - Vertical Spreads. Strategy Intensive Charles Cottle is the founder of Risk Doctor, a trading program designed for professionals. He is a former CBOE and CBOT options trader and was director of Instruction at...

Timothy Morge – Market Maps. High Probability Trading Techniques

Timothy Morge – Market Maps. High Probability Trading Techniques Timothy Morge has been a professional trader, author, educator and mentor for more than 30 years. Besides trading his own capital, Tim is President of Blackthorne Capital,...

Timothy Morge – Live Pre-Market Session

Timothy Morge - Live Pre-Market SessionThis is the Pre-Market live session video record from 2009-09 to 2010-10, total 93 filesTimothy MorgeTimothy Morge has been a professional trader, author, educator and mentor for more than 35 years.Besides...

John Carter & Hubert Senters – 4-Day Live Chicago Seminar

John Carter & Hubert Senters - 4-Day Live Chicago Seminar "How We Trade for a Living" Check out our 4- Day Live recording of the Chicago Day Trading Seminar with bonus strategies and guest speakers. Dive...

Charles Cottle – Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda (Update To Options Preception Deciption) (Riskdoctor)

Charles Cottle - Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda (Update To Options Preception Deciption) (Riskdoctor) Size: 1.3 MB Think or Swim Guide to Options written by the author of "Options Trading: The Hidden Reality" and "Options: Perception and Deception:...

Charles Cottle – Charles Cottle Package

Charles Cottle Package Include Charles Cottle - Diamonetrics for the Novice & Professional (Video & Manual, Excel, 700 MB) ( 700 MB Charles Cottle - Options Trading Training. Strategy Intensives Complete Series (Video 1.5 GB) (

Dan Passarelli – Trading Option Greeks

Dan Passarelli – Trading Option Greeks ISBN: 978-0-470-88519-2 330 pages May 2010 Veteran options trader Dan Passarelli explains a new methodology for option trading and valuation. With an introduction to option basics as well as chapters...

Market Profile – Chicago Board of Trade

Market Profile – Chicago Board of Trade A Market Profile is an intra-day charting technique (price vertical, time/activity horizontal) devised by J. Peter Steidlmayer, a trader at the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), ca 1959-1985. Steidlmayer...

Peter Steidlmayer – The Decision-Making Process and Forward

Peter Steidlmayer – The Decision-Making Process and Forward Peter Steidlmayer’s lifelong interest in the markets began during his undergraduate days at the University of California at Berkeley, from which he graduated in 1960. He joined the...