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NinjaTrader – Emini Academy MAP + Trading Courses

Emini Academy MAP + Trading Courses Instruction: This addon will work under cracked NT7 only. (I think will work under any NT...) 1) Import in your NT7 Emini academic indicators "EAMAP420110414b_(AnyNT).zip" for it do: File -...

MetaTrader – MetaTrader 4 Data To Wave59

MetaTrader 4 Data to Wave59Software DefinitionSoftware is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. (The term hardware describes the physical aspects of computers and related devices.)Software can...

LT – LT Indicators (Force, Progression Bars, Velocity)

LT Indicators (Force, Progression Bars, Velocity),Instruction:Can work with the free, legal and cracked version of NinjaTrader 7.For import, ninjatrader addon goes to menu File - Utilities - Import NinjaScript...ORcopy/replace all files from folder "LTVelocityForceProgressionBars NT7 v1.0.0"into...

NeoHarmonic – NeoHarmonic Tools (Aug 2012)

neoHarmonic tools (Aug 2012) Installation 1.Run the "neoHarmonicsIconSetup.exe" to install the icons used by the neoHarmonic tools. 2.Import "neoHarmonics0908_(AnyNT).zip" into NinjaTrader (File Utilities Import NinjaScript and then select file.) 3.Add the neoHarmonics indicator...

Martin Pring – Super CD Companion For Metastock

Martin Pring - Super CD Companion for MetastockMartin Pring’sSuper CD Companion for MetaStock offers detailed explanation and information to analyze the U.S. stock market for better trading results.With the Super CD you’ll have at your fingertips:25 Custom...

Pipnotic - Price Action Trading Academy (Supply And Demand Pipnotic Sub And Indicators)

Pipnotic - Price Action Trading Academy (Supply And Demand Pipnotic Sub And Indicators) Instructional Please take the time to review all of these videos, as they cover all premium Pipnotic tools and utilities in detail. If...

Spireframe – Value Investor Pro 1.3.8

Spireframe - Value Investor Pro 1.3.8Computer software or simply software is any set of instructions that directs a computer to perform specific operations. Computer software consists of computer programs, libraries and related non-executable data (such as...

Kenneth E. Little – Bear Proof Investing

Bear-Proof Investing gives you the tools and strategies you need to protect your investments and position yourself to take full advantage of an emerging bull market.First to market with a book on solid investment strategies aimed...

Robert Kast – Economics and Finance of Risk and of the Future

This book uses real-world examples to show how individual and collective risks can be blended and treated in a reliable decision-making framework that draws its inspiration from decision theory and market based mechanisms. It then goes...

Marion A.Brach – Real Options in Practice

Real options are quickly becoming the valuation and decision-making method of choice for many companies, including oil and gas companies, utilities and natural resource companies, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, Internet companies, and many others.Real Options in...