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Change Your Future - Master EasyLanguage!

You Learn All of This...

Week #1 Build Our First Strategy! 

We start buy building your first strategy and getting a deep understanding of how TradeStation code executes on a chart. This provides you with a solid foundation to master EasyLanguage.

Week #2 Price Action Strategies!

Here we expand into building strategies around price action. This allows you to test many different price patterns to see if they work or not. We go deeper into how TradeStation saves historical price data and how you can utilize this information to build strategies.

{{Week #3 Buy Strength or Weakness}}?

This is a great lesson on not just EasyLanguage but how to perform a market study before attempting to build a trading model. You'll discover a simple technique to help quickly discover what type of trading model may work well on several different markets.

Week #4 How Make Your Strategies Adaptive

This week is an in-depth look at building a strategy that changes to the market conditions. We build a strategy that will change its entry criteria and exit criteria based upon the current market. Very cool!

Week #5 Trade Multiple Timeframes!

Here we learn how to really boost your system development skills by using more than one market to make trading decisions. We discover how to use $TRIN and $TICK to help filter good trade setups. This can have a dramatic impact on your strategies performance.

Week #6 How to Build and Use Functions.

This is one of my favorites. This week is all about functions! Once you understand and master functions you can increase your effectiveness as a programmer and become deadly efficient at prototyping different trading ideas. A killer skill to have!

Week #7 How to Build Breakout Strategies.

Breakout strategies are so very popular and we can ignore them. We build both daily and intra-day breakout strategies. Some of these concepts are very powerful and have brought fame to many professional traders. Learn the pitfalls and code your own strategy shells to master breakouts.

Week #8 Send Data to a File.

Sending data to a file can be a huge help when testing a new strategy or if you want to import some data into an excel spreadsheet. In this lesson we learn this important skill of using EasyLanguage to send data to a file.

Week #9 Rapid Testing Techniques.

Building and testing strategies can take a long time as you probably know. Thus, it's important we leverage our time effectively. In this week's lesson I show you simple EasyLanguage technique to help you quickly test different strategy components so you can build more strategies in less time!

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