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Mytradersstateofmind - Developing Traders Mind (at your own pace!)

This Developing Trader's State of Mind online course is built for this group of people.

Course Description

The course is an online course.  You have access to the course materials 24/7.  No matter what time zone you are in, you will be able to listen to the lectures and play the guided meditations at your convenience.   This is where you will be bringing your questions and getting answers live.  This is also where you will be processing the materials from the virtual classrooms for deeper learning.  Upon registering you will be given a password and link that will allow you to access the class materials.    The classes must be taken in sequence, as each builds on the prior class.  The classes are broken into a number of elements described below.

For a full description of Classes 101 through 105, click here.

  • Q&A Regarding this Course
  • Question:  What do I do if I am out of town and can't attend the bi-weekly online instruction with Rande?
  • Answer:  These sessions will be recorded and you will have access to the recording.
  • Question:  Must I commit to all five classes?
  • Answer:  Yes.
  • Question:  Will I have the opportunity to communicate directly with Rande regarding my personal trading challenges during this course?
  • Answer:  Yes, Rande will be available to you by email consistently throughout the course.
  • Question:  Will any personal information I divulge to Rande be considered private, not to be shared with the group?
  • Answer:  Certainly.  Rande is a Licensed Professional Counselor and has been working for over 20 years with individuals with a variety of life-challenges.  Confidentiality is a cornerstone of his profession.

What is included in Class 101?


First, there is a recorded introduction that is a recording of a webinar that Rande presented on Wall Street in 2011 as a training session for traders.  It gives an overview of the process that you are going to be learning.  You get to see how all the  elements are linked together to produce a Traders State of Mind.  The course becomes more cohesive by understanding the process from the get-go.

Class 101:  Emotional Regulation -- Calming the Body, Stilling the Mind

Before you are able to work with the self-limiting beliefs that sabotage your potential in trading, you will be taught first how to manage emotional reactivity.  Until you can regulate your out-of-control fear or impulse, getting into a position to work with the mind is not possible.  Consequently, breathing and self-soothing skills are taught so that you can interrupt emotions before they sweep your trading mind away.

Why teach breathing?  Breathing is important for emotional state management.  Each emotion has a particular breathing signature associated with it.  And by using this knowledge, you will be trained to mindfully use breathing to interrupt the spiraling of fear.  Fear requires a short, fast style of breathing to maintain itself, and you will be trained to use diaphragmatic breathing to interrupt this part of the arousal of fear.

Then you will be taught how to generate a sense of safety so that your mind calms down.  It is at this point that the mind itself can be worked with...and then you will have the skills to manage the explosion of emotions that have dominated your trading.

What is included in Classes 101 through 105?

What would it be worth to you to trade from a disciplined, patient, courageous, and impartial state of mind?  How much would it save you?  Most traders acknowledge the price of this online course can make an invaluable contribution to their growth as a successful trader.  Considering that, Developing Trader's State of Mind is a bargain.


This class will be taken at your own pace.  Once you register, you will be provided with a user name and password to gain access to the online classroom.  You will also be given the schedule for the live group online instruction that Rande will be providing your group.

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