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Skill 1: The Charisma Formula

Never get lost in a room full of people and know how to leave people asking about you (and remember you) long after you’ve left.

Skill 2: Prime Your Performance

Get the results you want from your interactions — every time — without being inauthentic, manipulative, or slimy.

Skill 3: Become Engaging

Send signals that you can be both capable and friendly and keep people interested and energized in conversation.

Skill 4: Capture Attention

Start interesting conversations, keep them going, and pitch your ideas in a way that leaves people curious and excited.

Skill 5: Build Trust

Rapidly build trust and mutual rapport for lasting and meaningful relationships.

Skill 6: Harness Power

Be taken seriously, interrupted less, and command authority and respect.

Skill 7: The Likeability Blueprint

Use the likability blueprint to be more socially successful.

Skill 8: Decode People

Speed-read people’s intentions and interests so you can eliminate confusion, remove doubts, and connect more deeply with anyone.

Skill 9: Capitalize On Your Conversations and Relationships

Move beyond small talk to create powerful connections and never run out of things to say.

Skill 10: Assert Yourself

Develop social assertiveness and get what you need and want out of interactions.

Skill 11: Increase Your Influence

Lead with authority and authenticity and get your ideas adopted.

Skill 12: Strengthen Connections

Become indispensable at work and thrive on your team.

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