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/ for Dummies

Welcome to the second edition of Neuro-linguistic ProgrammingFor Dummies, which is packed with ideas and tips to increase your suc-cess and happiness. Most likely, you’re reading this book because you’ve heard neuro-linguistic programming (NLP throughout this book) mentioned as you go about your daily life – in companies, colleges, and coffee shops. We wrote the original version of this book because our experience of NLP trans-formed our own lives. We wanted to ignite the spark of curiosity in others about what’s possible with NLP. We also believed that the time had come for NLP to move away from academic- and business-speak to real-life plain English, and be used by all people who want to make improvements in their lives.In recent years, we’ve witnessed NLP growing ever more popular. Part of this popularity is because NLP offers enlightening ‘aha!’ moments, and part is because it simply makes sense. Yet the name itself can be off-putting and the associated jargon may present a barrier to non-NLP professionals. So a little explanation is required: ✓ Neuro relates to what’s happening in your mind. ✓ Linguistic refers not only to the words you use in your communication, but also your body language and how you use it. ✓ Programming tackles the persistent patterns of behaviour that you learn and then repeat.

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