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John Carlton - Simple Writing System

Here are the details:

The foundation of the Simple Writing System is the same 17-point checklist I have used my entire career to write fortune-making sales messages, over and over again.

Packaged neatly in the most fascinating DVD home study course you’re ever going to lay your hands on.

I’ve been teaching for decades…Simple Writing System DVDs and it took me a long time to figure out the best way to force-feed good information and advice and tactics into your head.The simple “nail it down in your brain” exercises in this home study course are designed to make each step permanent. So you’re not dealing with theory. You can go read a book for theory. No. Instead, you are ACTIVELY LEARNING THE EXACT STEPS that have created fortunes for me and so many others.

The DVDs take you through the entire system. Step by step.

And because we recorded live workshop classes in these DVDs…

.. you get to see how other people — from all kinds of backgrounds, in all kinds of markets, with all kinds of excuses and fears and discomfort with writing — used these same exercises…

… to get initiated, quickly and easily, into the systematic application of the steps.

Included in your home study package is a comprehensive workbook that contains all the notes you’d ever want to take from my slides in the workshop.Simple Writing System Workbook

You get all the exercises laid out.

PLUS — and this is a BIG plus — you get the FULL version of every ad I use as an example.

That means this workbook (over 280 pages deep) is a fire-breathing SWIPE FILE of the best ads you’ll ever lay your hands on… to copy, to use for inspiration, to rip from and use as blueprints.

A single new sales message that “hits all the hot buttons” of your market can generate massive results… making the price of this system nothing more than a brief expense, quickly recovered.

What you learn gives you a repeatable system that will be in your tool belt for the rest of your career.

You will finally know what the Big Boys know about writing the strongest and most result-getting sales messages possible.

No one can ever take this skill away from you.

You will never be at the mercy of anyone else for the most important part of your business — the communication you have with your prospects, persuading them to buy.

Learning this system gives you total independence.


The infamous “Power Words” compendium (loads and loads and loads of hot words and phrases you can nick to keep your own copy dangerously readable)…

11 Quick Marketing Fixes

… and “11 Quick Marketing Fixes” — the basic checklist I’ve used for 20 years when I do high-priced consultations. (You’ll not only know how to fix your own “main bugaboo” problems… but you’ll now be savvy enough to help others, too.)

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