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A complete guide to trading with price, volume, and float

Float Analysis explains how to use the Woods Cumulative Volume Float Indicator, the landmark concept in technical analysis that teaches the reader how to accurately determine when to purchase stocks. This groundbreaking book also contains all-new insights on how to understand and profit from these indicators, how support and resistance are redefined by this innovation, and how to implement these strategies into a high-growth portfolio.

(Hyattsville, MD) is the Executive Director of and has written a number of articles for various journals including Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities.

New technology and the advent of around the clock trading have opened the floodgates to both foreign and domestic markets. Traders need the wisdom of industry veterans and the vision of innovators in today’s volatile financial marketplace. The Wiley Trading series features books by traders who have survived the market’s ever changing temperament and have prospered-some by reinventing systems, others by getting back to basics. Whether a novice trader, professional or somewhere in-between, these books will provide the advice and strategies needed to prosper today and well into the future.

Table of Contents


Introduction -W. D. Gann: The Inspiration for Float Analysis.

CHAPTER ONE -Watching the Float: The New Look of Price and Volume Charts and Their Relationship to a Stock’s Future Price Direction.

The Float.

A Float Turnover.

The First Discovery.

Scenario One -The Smart Money and the Losing Money.

Scenario Two -The Yin and Yang of Float Analysis.

The Importance of the Discovery of Float Turnovers at Bottoms and Tops.

In Search of a Breakout Buy Point: A Case History of Xicor.

A Simple Random Sample Experiment.

CHAPTER TWO-Ten Breakthrough Discoveries That Will Change the Way You Analyze Stock Charts.

The Multiple Float Turnover Formation.

The Bottom Formation and the Top Formation.

The Base of Support within a Correction Formation.

The Strong Sideways Base of Support in an Up-Trend Formation.

The Overhead Base of Support Formation.

The Slow Extension Formation.

The Fast Extension Formation.

The Upright Flag Formation.

The Inverted Flag Formation.

The Weak Base of Support Formation.

CHAPTER THREE-Technicals 101: How to Understand-and Profit from-the Indicators.

The Cumulative-Volume Float Indicators.

The Common Characteristics of Float Turnovers.

CHAPTER FOUR-Support and Resistance Redefined: Creating a Model of Stock Behavior That Brings Results.

The Rising Base of Support.

The Descending Ceiling of Resistance.

The Changing Nature of Float Turnovers from Support to Resistance, and Vice Versa.

Unique Points of Support and Resistance in Up-Trends and Down-Trends.

Support and Resistance in Multiple Turnover Sideways Bases.

Valid Breakouts.

A Strategic Challenge.

CHAPTER FIVE -Successful Strategies That Made My Stock Portfolio Grow Tenfold in Sixteen Months.

The Mirror Image Dilemma and Its Solutions.

Playing the Upside.

Playing the Downside.

Final Strategies.


Appendix A-A Compendium of Float Analysis Formations.

Appendix B-The Dilemma of Differing Results Resolved.



Trading Resource Guide-Tools for Success in Trading.

Suggested Reading List.

Internet Sites.

Newsletters of Interest to Traders.


Author Information

STEVE WOODS is the Executive Director of, a stock analysis and software business that services clients around the world. The inventor of the Woods Cumulative-Volume Float Indicator, Woods has written a number of articles for various trade journals including Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. Mr. Woods is an avid trader.

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